This disc contains 2,500 different software programs. If you are thinking about simply listing the names of these programs on your printer, make sure you have plenty of paper -- the listing alone goes on for over 40 pages. There is something for just about anyone who uses an IBM or compatible personal computer and is interested in exploring available shareware and freeware programs.Software in a wide range of application and utility areas is packaged on this disc, including: line and text editing, data communications, personal and business finance, hard disk utilities, graphics, device drivers, educational programs, word processors, macros, spreadsheet templates, databases, accounting and bookkeeping, source code, games (we lost count of the number of spacewar-type games), and miscellaneous programming utilities.Instead of investing hundreds of dollars in a mainstream software package, it often makes more sense to see what software is available in the public domain. No more long-term logons to bulletin boards, no more collections of floppy disk software, no more hard disks cluttered with miscellaneous programs. The low price of this disc means that you can try out these programs for less than a nickel each!
Computer requirements:
IBM PC or compatible computer
Product #DescriptionPrice
CD-15012500 Software Programs$99
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It would take you days to review the hundreds of graphic images on this disc. Since they are all stored in either the GIF, MAC and PIC formats, they are great for preliminary layouts and designs.
Here is just a brief listing of some of the images on this disc:
Aliens, Apples, Aquarium, Bambi, Beatles, Belinda, Bill the Cat, Biplane, Bogart, Brooke, Bugs Bunny, Castle, Cheetah, Cheryl, Chipmunk, Disney, Dragon, Dundee, Dwarfs, Earth, Enterprise, Garfield, Goofy, Gorilla, Heather, Honda, Hunter, King Tut, Kirk, Lennon, Loon, Madonna, Mission, Mona Lisa, Nagel, Nescafe, Opus, Pinup, Rambo, Rita, Robocop, Sandra, Shuttle, Spock, Star Trek, Sunset, Surfer, USA Map, Vanna, Zebra, and more (you get the idea).
This disk also includes a special
"Adults Only" section. You'll have to see for yourself.
Standard image display software is used to retrieve and view these images; this software is also available from The Bureau on the 2,500 Software Programs disc.